Traffic Pattern Changes

Attention HS and MS Families, 

We are constantly evaluating the processes and procedures to increase safety in all areas. We are going to begin utilizing a new traffic pattern at the Middle and High schools for student drop-off and pick-up. There is an incredible amount of cross traffic between buildings that creates safety concerns for students walking into the building from the parking lot.  We want to provide the safest possible start and end to the school day and feel like these changes will have a positive impact. 

UPDATED AS OF 10/20/23

Traffic Changes: Starting October 23rd. 

HS Families:

HS drop-off will become a one-way drop-off using the second entrance on Hutchinson and pulling up in front of the building on the passenger side of the vehicle. Families will then exit using the first entrance/exit closest to Route 50 on Hutchinson. 

MS Families:

MS drop-off will be the same routine except for exiting campus back onto route 50 if you only have a middle school student to drop-off.

MS/HS Families:

We need families that have both MS/HS students to drop off HS students first before going to the MS. Following the new traffic pattern we are asking families to go back out onto Route 50 and re-enter MS drop-off on Route 50.  This will allow us to reduce the amount of cross traffic as students are walking into the building 

HS Student Drivers and HS Student Drivers Dropping off MS Students
HS students will follow the traffic pattern for dropping off MS students before going to the HS student parking. HS are permitted to stay in the parking lot and turn left toward the HS after the MS drop-off. 

*All HS students will need to enter the campus entrance on Route 50 to decrease the amount of cross traffic on campus.

ES and HS staff Parking
HS Staff will be able to stay on campus after dropping off MS students. Using the traffic pattern above to get to a routine parking location.

ES Staff will also be able to stay on campus until getting to the HS morning drop off exit. Staff will need to exit onto Hutchinson and turn left at the second entrance on Hutchinson to complete the route to the Elementary.

Bus Riders/Drivers:

Bus riders and drivers will now begin by dropping off MS students first before heading to the high school for student drop-off. An additional safety concern is the time HS students have in the building before the official start of the school day.

drop off

ES HS parking

bus traffic

traffic route

traffic pattern changes