With a great start to the 2022-23 school year, CNE High School is looking forward to building on the accomplishments of the previous school year. This year, the High School is continuing its commitment to literacy across the building, as well as defined skills and attributes needed to be a successful student. 

This summer, the High School was awarded $200,000 in literacy funds from the State on top of a literacy grant of $500,000 awarded two years ago. The additional $200,000 was allocated based on the success CNE High School has seen in our literacy efforts. 

“The additional funds have allowed us to expand our support for students who struggle with reading,” explains Principal TJ Glassmeyer. “We were also able to hire a Literacy Instructional Coach for the next two school years.” 

The Comprehensive Literacy State Development Grant awarded to the High School focuses on developing model comprehensive literacy sites in early childhood education programs and district preschools as well as elementary, middle, and high schools across the state. The grant supports professional learning and coaching, and will allow early childhood education programs, districts, supports, and families to improve student literacy and increase educational options available to students who have been traditionally underserved.

Additionally, CNE High School intends to focus efforts on the skills and attributes needed to be a successful student: respect, school pride, study skills, organizational skills, time management, and goal setting. Teachers will include a focus on these attributes inside and outside of the classroom through activities and school events. 

Stay tuned to see how these goals develop throughout the 2022-23 school year. 

Interested in what’s been going on at the High School to date? Check out some of our previous posts: