Ohio School Report Cards

Congratulations to our staff, students, and their families on making significant progress in achievement goals, as indicated by this year’s School Report Card!

Last week, the Ohio Department of Education released their annual School Report Cards, which reflect data collected by law and under the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). CNE is proud to say that the new “star ratings,” which indicate the level of performance for a school and district in five different areas, reflect the data we see internally that shows our students are growing and achieving more every day. Schools receive performance star ratings in five areas: Achievement, Progress, Gap Closing, Graduation, and Early Literacy. 

“I am exceptionally proud of our district – our educators, students, and their families – for the hard and successful work they are doing,” says Superintendent Mike Brandt. “We are meeting or exceeding state standards in the majority of components in which ODE collects data, and we are thrilled to continue to build on this progress and success. We expect to continue to see upward trends each year as we implement more effective ways to help our students succeed.”


The Achievement section represents whether student performance on state tests met established thresholds and how well students performed on tests overall. Each of CNE’s schools received a three-star rating, meeting state standards. 

In addition, CNE achieved a 79.8 rating (a 74.4% Performance Index), which measures the scores of every student in grades 3-12. This puts us just about back at the 2019-2020 rating of 80.5, which is where we were pre-COVID. For our students to have recovered this ground after two exceptionally difficult years is an indication that the strategies and supports our educators have been implementing over the past several years are working to help our students grow and achieve.


This component looks closely at the growth all students are making based on their past performances. CNE received four stars, indicating that the district exceeded student growth expectations. Once again, this is evidence of the success of the approach we have been using in our schools.

Gap Closing

The Gap Closing Component is a measure of the reduction in educational gaps for student subgroups. CNE is evaluated within the following sub-groups: all students; Multiracial; Economic Disadvantage; Hispanic; White Non-Hispanic; and Students with Disabilities. This component shows how well schools are meeting the performance expectations for each sub-group and also measures how schools are increasing language proficiency, reducing chronic absenteeism for all students, and identifying gifted students and providing gifted services. 

CNE met state standards here with three stars. 


The Graduation section is a measure of the four-year and five-year adjusted graduation rates. CNE received four stars for our four-year graduation rate of 95.2% and five-year graduation rate of 92.9%, exceeding state standards in graduation rates. 

Early Literacy

Early Literacy measures reading improvement and proficiency for students in kindergarten through third grade. While CNE saw a two-star rating on this report card, this data does not reflect new efforts that have been implemented over the last year, as this is calculated using data from the previous school year. We fully expect this score to be higher on the next Report Card given what the reading data we have collected has shown from the 2021-22 school year.