
Niles Light

A Dedicated Patriot

Niles graduated from Clermont Northeastern High School in 1971. After graduating, Niles began working for the FBI as a fingerprint technician and security patrol officer while attending York College of Pennsylvania. After graduating with a degree in Police Sciences, Niles was admitted into the FBI Academy as a Special Agent Trainee.

Niles served in multiple roles during his 30-year career with the Bureau including investigating the first New York World Trade Center Bombing in 1993, the downing of TWA Flight 800, numerous violent crimes, and members of organized crime. Niles distinguished himself when he was assigned to investigate the espionage activities of other countries against the United States, including the Soviet Union. He was directly responsible for the identification of several Russian spies operating in America.

In 2001, Niles was supervising a group of FBI agents when the attack occurred on September 11th. He immediately led a team to “ground zero” to assist in rescue efforts as the towers fell. He spent weeks investigating the act of terrorism, overseeing recovery efforts, and digging through the rubble himself.

In 2004, Niles retired from the FBI after serving in several different roles related to espionage and counter-terrorism. He continued to serve as a consultant for the FBI and volunteered as a patrol deputy with his local police department after retirement.

Inducted in 2022