If you have a student enrolled at CNE for the upcoming school year please complete the appropriate forms. You will also be able to sign your student up for school sponsored activities through this link.
Click this link to our Google sheet with all 2024-25 athletic events on it. 2024-25 CNE Athletic Schedule:
Or you can view each team through our new Dragonfly scheduling software. DragonFly Schedule for CNE ...search Clermont Northeastern HS
High School Fall:
Varsity Football Head Coach Steve Thompson
JV Football Head Coach Joey Groeber
Varsity Boys Soccer Head Coach David Yeager
Varsity Girls Soccer Head Coach Craig Yeager
JV Girls Soccer Head Coach Becky Keys
Varsity Volleyball Head Coach Emma Keough
JV Volleyball Head Coach Casey Shaffer
Fall Cheer - Head Coach Jennifer Buxton-Staab
Boys Golf Head Coach Scott Wells
Girls Golf Head Coach Scott Wells
Varsity Tennis Head Coach Liz Benjamin
Cross Country Head Coach Alanna Lindley
Middle School Fall :
MS Football Coach Josh Forkner
MS Cheerleading Head Coach Shawna Haynes
8th Grade Volleyball Head Coach Cindy Dorsey
7th Grade Volleyball Head Coach Joni Bacon
MS Golf Head Coach Bill Goldfuss
MS Cross Country Head Coach Alanna Lindley
High School Winter: For all winter schedules please visit
Boys Varsity Bowling Head Coach Jenny Leiman
Girls Varsity Bowling Head Coach Tony Gettler
Varsity Girls Basketball Head Coach Joe Ford
JV Girls Basketball Head Coach Kevin Ford
Varsity Boys Basketball Head Coach Cory Moore
JV Boys Basketball Head Coach David Yeager
Freshman Boys Basketball Head Coach Brian Spriggs
Winter Cheer - Head Coach Jenna Johnson
High School Wrestling Head Coach Scott Wells
Academic Quiz Team Head Coach Shannon Macleod
Middle School Winter: DragonFly Schedule for CNE please search Clermont Northeastern High School
MS Cheerleading Head Coach Jenna Johnson
8th Grade Girls Basketball Head Coach Bill Goldfuss
7th Grade Girls Basketball Head Coach Moe Cooper
8th Grade Boys Basketball Head Coach Justin Clem
7th Grade Boys Basketball Head Coach
MS Wrestling Head Coach Josh Forkner
High School Spring DragonFly Schedule for CNE please search Clermont Northeastern High School
Varsity Baseball Head Coach - Chad Heckler
JV Baseball Head Coach- Tripp Mitchell
Varsity Softball Head Coach - Terri Hoerth
JV Softball Head Coach - Carl Hoerth
Track Boys Head Coach- Liz Benjamin
Track Girls Head Coach- Liz Benjamin
Boys Tennis Head Coach- Jenny Leiman
Asst Coach Sean Fraunfelter
Middle School Spring
MS Track - Joni Bacon
MS Track -Cindy Dorsey