Good afternoon Clermont Northeastern High School Parents, Caregivers, and Students,

My name is Shane Hartley, and I’m honored to be the next Principal at Clermont Northeastern High School!  This will be my 24th year in education, and my 9th as an administrator.  I’m excited to join the Clermont Northeastern Community, and I look forward to a great school year with a great staff here at CNE High School!

Over the last month, I’ve met with various teachers, staff members, administrators, and community members.  I’ve had the chance to meet a few of our students as well, and everyone has been nothing short of welcoming and enthusiastic.  While I know change in leadership will always bring some challenges, I want to continue the great work and build upon the foundations that Mr. Walker laid for CNE HS.  My vision for our school is to work in alignment with the District to challenge, support, and confidently prepare our students for success - both in their present school experiences as well as in the future.

As the school year will be underway soon, there are some specific dates and items that we want to be sure to pass along to you.  Look for future communication as well, but for now, here is the most important information:

Start of School Year Events:

  • Friday, August 9th: Freshmen Orientation (8:00am - 12:00pm)

  • Tuesday, August 13th: Back to School Blast (5:00pm - 6:30pm)

  • Thursday, August 15th: Students’ First Day

    • Doors open at 7:10am

    • Students must be in their 1st bell class at 7:20am

Schedule Pick-Up

  • Freshmen will be able to pick up their schedule at Freshmen Orientation on August 9th

  • All other students will be able to pick up their schedule at the Back to School Blast

  • If students are unable to pick up their schedule at the Back to School Blast, they may do so in the front office starting August 14th.

  • Please note: Our counselor and administrators worked hard to align students’ schedules as best as possible to their requests from last school year.  Changes to students’ schedules will only be made if there was an error in placement.

School Supplies

  • Click here for the list of school supplies for the 24-25 School Year.

Student School Pictures


  • As a reminder, all 12th grade students have vaccine requirements for the 2024-2025 school year.

  • Incoming seniors must provide proper documentation of immunization compliance (OR an exemption form) to the school by the first day of school (August 15th, 2024).  The immunizations required are for the Tdap and MCV4 (2 doses for MCV4, unless the first dose was after age 16).

  • For more information about exemptions to this law, see the form linked here.

  • For more information from the State of Ohio, see the form linked here.  You may also reach out to our district nurse, Ms. Lori Diekman (; 513-625-1211 x326)

Thank you all for your support for your students this coming school year, as well as for CNE High School!  I can’t wait to get this school year rolling!

Mr. Shane Hartley