We are excited to welcome you and your students to the start of the school year! To ensure a smooth and safe arrival and departure process for everyone, we have outlined the drop-off and pick-up patterns below. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated as we work to minimize traffic congestion and ensure the safety of all our students.
High School Drop-Off and Pick-Up:
Please enter the campus using the second entrance on Hutchinson Road.
Follow the one-way traffic pattern to drop off your high school student first.
After dropping off your high school student, exit the campus via the exit closest to Route 50.
For Families with Middle and High School Students:
Drop off high school students first.
Re-exit the campus and re-enter via Route 50 to drop off middle school students.
This pattern helps maintain a safer traffic flow and reduces cross-traffic between buildings.
Elementary School Drop-Off and Pick-Up:
Enter the campus using the last entrance on Hutchinson Road.
If the parking lot is full, please form a line at the Monterey Baptist Church parking lot.
Drop-off starts at 8:20 a.m. and the tardy bell rings at 8:45 a.m.
Do not block traffic on Hutchinson Road.
Please remain in your vehicle; staff will assist with unloading your child.
Elementary student pick-up begins at 3:10 p.m., but please wait to come onto campus until 2:45 p.m.
Enter the campus and park in front of the High School Tennis Courts.
Keep lanes open for buses and school personnel.
Staff will begin the dismissal process and will direct you when to pull up.
Families should remain in their vehicles. Staff will load students into your vehicle.
After pick-up, exit the campus using the Hutchinson exit.
We understand that these procedures might take some time to get used to, and we ask for your patience and understanding as we work to ensure a safe and efficient process for everyone. Thank you for your cooperation and support.