I would like to thank the CNE community for working so hard during such a difficult time. CNE now has a full remote plan ready to go should it be needed. Our goal is to stay the course as long as it is safe to do so.
The district continues to have weekly calls with the county health department. While cases have risen in the county, the cases attributed to school spread are very low. The increase is being attributed to COVID-19 fatigue, large gatherings, and family clusters. Today, during the call with the health department, it was restated the governor will not order school closures and neither will the health department at the county level. Data needs to be utilized at the district level in order to make the decision.
We plan to discuss the level 4 plans with the Board during the November meeting. I will recommend, based off of the data from the health department, that we change our plan to be based off of district level data instead of automatically closing due to county numbers. The health department is more concerned with the risk to student safety if we go remote, than staying in person.
Please take the virus serious, use the COVID-19 checklist each morning with students, Students need to be sent with a mask everyday. Please remind them to wash hands frequently and use hand sanitizer often.
The district will work to update everyone as information is made available. We are working to keep fully transparent during these times. If there are any questions feel free reach out.
Michael Brandt