District Download

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District Download: "Clermont Northeastern Student Assistance Program"


Harness Health Partners provides the district a Student Assistance Program designed to help students and families with student life. Our program allows families to get supports in a variety of ways. 

You can call 855-695-2817 anytime to talk with a counselor. They can help you in real time over the phone, and connect you into other resources and services we offer – such as counseling services!

You can also go online to MyLifeMatters.com and using password “rockets” to log in to access helping information such as articles, webinars, and even calculators.

Finally, you can text “hello” to 61295 to be connected to a counselor. However, this should not be used for emergency use. 

Families are also able to utilize 6 in person visits with mental health counselors for their student per issue per year. 

Families can also download the App 

Apple here: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/studentlife-by-empathia/id1524055133

Android here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.empathia.studentlife&hl=en_SG&gl=US

For students under the age of 16 consent must be provided by the parents. Consent is obtained verbally from the parents when calling in to access services.  When the student attends in person sessions with a provider the written consent is obtained by that providers office.  If the student chooses to video or telephonic sessions, each provider will obtain electronic consent through their portals.