Clermont Northeastern Schools Will Remain Remote Until January 4th
Returning on January 4th provides ample time for families to monitor for COVID-19 after the New Year. This will help reduce the number of symptomatic and asymptomatic students returning to the classroom.
Current Clermont County positivity rate is over 13.5%
Clermont County Department of Health data is 6-7 days behind the numbers being reported in case counts.
Our district continues to operate under the Remote Learning Plans initially adopted by the Board in August with updates in November.
County and state officials are not making any recommendations on what the best course of action is for each school district.
Staff will continue to provide high-quality, engaging, and rigorous remote instruction while students are learning virtually.
School administrators will reconvene regularly to analyze data, any official changes in the return date will be announced no later than December 28th.
- Remote learning will resume as scheduled on November 30th. Students will follow the remote learning schedule.
There will be no remote learning for Elementary students on Monday November 30th.
Families will need to arrange material pick up from 9-6 pm. In front of the Elementary building.
The following grades will have materials for pick up: Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and 4th grades ONLY.
Remote learning will resume on December 1st for all elementary students.
Remote learning will resume as scheduled on November 30th. Students will follow the remote learning schedule.
Remote learning will resume as scheduled on November 30th. Students will follow the remote learning schedule.
3rd Quarter Learning Decision
The District will work to return to in-person learning as soon as our community data determines it is safe to do so.
The 3rd quarter learning decision will be emailed to families on Friday, November 27th.
Families will have until December 2nd to respond to the survey regarding the 3rd quarter decision.
Please keep in mind that the 3rd quarter learning decision will not be implemented until in-person learning resumes on January 4th, when 3rd quarter begins.