Welcome Guest Staff Member
Mr. McGillis
Mr. McGillis(Gillis) is a 1-year-old yellow Labrador Retriever, He is currently being fostered with Mr. Dorsey the Dean of Students for the district. Once school returns to in-person Gillis will begin an internship to evaluate his ability to support and work in our school district. If He is able to remain at his current placement the district will have the option to add him to the staff! Right now, he still belongs to the wonderful organization Circle Tail. Circle Tail's mission is to provide service and hearing dogs for people with disabilities at no cost to the individual. They also promote the human-canine bond in our community by providing low-cost dog training services, educational programs, and Pet First Aid classes. Circle Tail has also expanded to providing affordable support dogs to school districts in the Cincinnati area, They currently have multiple dogs at school placements, such as; St. Xavier, Lakota (3-4 dogs), Mason(2-3 dogs), and others have added during remote learning. We are excited to be a part of such an amazing partnership just 15 minutes away from the school campus. Circle Tail, Inc. is located at 8834 Carey Lane Pleasant Plain, OH 45162. We are excited to have Mr. McGillis as our first dog and part of our pilot program. The hope will be to able to evaluate the use of having a facility dog and potentially add more in the future. We look forward to having Gillis stop and say hello to everyone before the start of winter break. We will also send out some expectations on how to handle the dog while he is working and on a leash in the buildings. We want to make sure this is a good experience for staff and Gillis, we hope he is able to make a positive impact.
We would love everyone to help us come up with a great hashtag for Gillis and Clermont Northeastern. We can tag it to any social media posts and stories about Gillis doing great work in the future. Please use the link below to enter into the Hashtag contest.