important dates

Please read the information or click the image below to view the following important dates for return to school 21-22.

July 30th

High School Class List Pick up

Students can pickup schedule by last name A-K 9:00-11:00pm and L-Z 12:00-2:00pm.

Elementary School Class Assignment

Class lists will be posted outside the Elementary front doors at 3:00 pm.

August 6th

21-22 Safe Return Recommendations

Due to the recent release of recommendations from Ohio Department of Health, and Ohio Department of Education. We will release recommendations for families to consider. Along with any additional protocols or procedures.

Safe @ CNE Schools Emergency Notification Test

Please update Finalforms and notify any and all emergency contacts that on August 6th @ 12:00 pm we will conduct a required test of our emergency contact system. ALL contacts will receive a text message and/or a phone call notifying of the test.

August 9th

Kindergarten Ready Rockets 

Kindergarten orientations for families. Families have been notified and given appointment times. Contact the Elementary for questions.

(513)625-1211 ext: 410

August 12th

High School Freshman Orientation

Link Crew will be hosting a freshman orientation on the morning of August 12 at the High School. Please check the website for times.

Open House and School Supply Fair

Families will have the opportunity to walk schedules from 5:00-6:30pm in each building. Middle school will have an family orientation during this time.(check website) Please join us for a school supply fair and cookout at the Monterey Baptist Church from 6:00-7:00pm.

August 17th

First Day of School 1st-12th grade

Students in 1st through 12th grade will begin school. Kindergarten students will have a staggered start date. Please email the building principal if you have any questions.

August 20th

Kindergarten Official First Day.

All Kindergarten students will begin school.

important dates