Clermont Northeastern Families,
I would like to thank you for your patience and understanding during the first quarter of the school year - it is hard to believe we have already started the second quarter. We recently updated our strategic plan that was board approved during the October School Board meeting. This strategic plan will lead our work for the next three years, focusing on four goals, or Destinations. All staff from Preschool through graduation will be focusing on ELA, Math, School Climate, and Family Engagement to improve outcomes for all students.
As we work to implement the new strategic plan, we would like to start making some changes to help reach our Destinations. One of the things that we need to improve is our lines of communication - between the staff, our students, families, and the community as a whole. We want to make sure that families know where to find information or learn about opportunities within the district. We also want to share some of the many great things happening at Clermont Northeastern Schools.
With that being said, welcome to the first edition of our new e-newsletter, Mission Control: the Official Newsletter of Clermont Northeastern. This bi-weekly newsletter will allow us to share any relevant information and accomplishments happening within the district. You can expect this newsletter every other Friday that school is in session. Please feel free to forward Mission Control to anyone in the community you think might be interested in learning about what we do here at CNE.
I hope you enjoy the first edition of Mission Control!
Michael Brandt, Superintendent