Congratulations to three CNE HS students who presented at the Ohio School Boards Association (OSBA) Capital Conference Student Achievement Fair. This fair highlights outstanding student performance groups and fresh, innovative initiatives from school districts across the state.
Jocelyn Snider, Angel Snider, and Shawn Huff presented their Turtles and Telemetry project from their Zoology class at the conference. The project had students put trackers on Eastern box turtles and tracked them through the warmer months until they burrowed for the winter. Students then took the collected data and marked their locations to create maps with each individual turtle’s home range. This is a project that has been completed in Mr. Scott Wells’ Zoology class for the past several years.
Mr. Wells chose Jocelyn, Angel, and Shawn to present at the OSBA Student Achievement Fair in Columbus for the 2021-2022 school year because of their commitment and attention to detail while completing this project.
“The kids did a great job and represented the school fantastically,” states Mr. Wells.