At Clermont Northeastern Elementary School (CNEES), we are constantly evaluating the climate and culture of our building. Climate describes the shared perceptions of the people in a group or organization, and culture includes how people feel about the organization, as well as the beliefs, values, and assumptions that provide the identity and set the standards of behavior.
Recently, CNEES gathered staff to talk about our current climate and culture. The staff cited how positive the building feels, talking about how everyone goes out of their way to be helpful and make connections with others. In addition, one positive thing came out of the COVID shutdown: CNEES has been able to break out of the norm and try things differently in terms of teaching, lessons, schedules, and more. Finally, many staff concluded that CNEES is family.
During this school year, there have been people behind the scenes looking for ways to demonstrate that family feeling around here and to include all staff. Once a month, an unknown beneficiary has a big cookie sent for staff to enjoy. A mysterious influencer started the Boogram trend in October to get staff members in the Halloween spirit by leaving a note with little treats to be passed on in a domino effect. In November, another staff member initiated the Thankful Tree to instill a spirit of gratitude for our colleagues. When we returned from Thanksgiving break, yet another positive force surprised staff members by leaving an emergency treat pack in our mailboxes.
This month, we will continue to celebrate our students with a Rocketeer assembly that has definitely become part of our school culture over the last 5 years. A Rocketeer is a student that exhibits the traits of being responsible, respectful, and a problem solver; one Rocketeer is chosen in each homeroom per month. September Rocketeers got to lead the student body in throwing water balloons at the administration while October Rocketeers enjoyed dumping surprise buckets filled with items like glitter, confetti, and spaghetti over the principals’ heads. We will be celebrating our December Rocketeers with a surprise on December 17, along with a holiday sing along for all students.
Climate and culture is also about how we do business here at CNE Elementary. Embedded in our daily practice are lessons on character strengths, managing our emotions, and awareness of self and others. We also work on fostering healthy relationships and promoting positive discipline. We are working to continue to make CNE GREAT daily.