Clermont Northeastern Schools Board of Education has UPDATED the resolution regarding COVID-19 and Quarantine timelines/procedures. Please read below or follow the link to learn more. CLICK HERE
This resolution applies to all students and staff exposed at home, in the community or in the school setting.
- Students and staff may choose to follow the current CDC guidelines without penalty.
- Students who are positive to a COVID-19 test will need to quarantine for 5 days either from the date of symptom onset or if asymptomatic, date of the positive COVID-19 test. After the quarantine period is up, they also need to be fever free for 24 hours in order to return to school.
- Symptom onset or test date is considered day 0. On day 6 the student may return to school if they are also fever free for 24 hours without using fever reducing medicine. Example: Symptoms start or positive test on January 20, individual may return on January 26.
- If a student has close contact with a person at school who has tested positive for COVID-19, the administration will contact the student’s parent/caregiver to inform them that thestudent was in close contact with a positive person in accordance with CDC guidelines.
- According to the Clermont County Health Department, a close contact is defined as someone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes (total/cumulative time) starting from 2 days before illness onset or if asymptomatic students, 2 days prior to positive test.
- A student who is considered a close contact and is asymptomatic will not be quarantined from school and will continue to be eligible to participate in school activities when parents complete a daily health check which includes temperature and observation noting that the student is symptom free.
- Masks are optional.
- A close contact and/or positive student may voluntarily quarantine for up to 5 days with no penalties. Assignments will be provided.
- If a close contact has had a positive COVID-19 test within 90 days they will be exempt from the above. Parents will be encouraged to monitor for symptoms and report accordingly.
- If a close contact has had an antibody test which shows they do have antibodies for COVID-19, then they will be exempt from the above. Parents will be encouraged to monitor for symptoms and report accordingly.
- Fully vaccinated individuals are exempt from quarantine.
Clermont Northeastern Schools Board of Education has UPDATED the resolution regarding COVID-19 and Quarantine timelines/procedures.