When the New Year comes around, it’s easy to get swept up by all the new resolutions you may make to “better your life.” But what happens now, when we’re about a month into the New Year, and our resolutions can just start to feel overwhelming?
Keep in mind that change comes a little bit at a time; while it’s fun to make sweeping resolutions as we start a New Year, we also need to be gentle with ourselves as we try to assimilate those resolutions into our regular routines. We recommend starting small: whether it be getting up earlier, drinking more water, getting more sleep, or reading more books – pick one thing off your resolution list and give it the love it needs, instead of dividing your attention across multiple desires.
Remember that StudentLife Services is here for you. Counselors are available 24/7 anytime of the year. These services are FREE and confidential. Connect with us by visiting StudentLifeServices.com (code: Rockets) or text ‘Hello’ to 61295.