Clermont Northeastern Schools is starting a program to give adults who did not complete high school an opportunity to earn a high school diploma. This program is free and an alternative to the GED. Any adult who did not complete high school or earn a GED, lives in Ohio, and is over 22 years of age is eligible to enroll. It does not matter what school district you live in!
Adults who enroll in the program work at their own pace on the credits they need to complete their high school requirements. The flexibility of the program allows adults to work from home or with our caring and compassionate staff.
The Program is being housed in the "North-end" of the Old Elementary Building in Owensville, 463 S. Broadway St, Owensville, OH 45160. Adults interested in the program can stop by to enroll or learn more.
Hours of Operation:
Monday and Wednesday - 8:00-11:30a
Thursday - 3:30p-7p
Saturday - 8a-11a
Please contact AdultDiploma@cneschools.org or 513-625-1211 x350, with any questions.