Chief Master Sergeant Jeffrey Craver
A Mentor and Leader to Thousands
Jeff graduated from Clermont Northeastern High School in 1981. After stints in college and the workforce, Jeff made the monumental decision to enlist in the United States Air Force. This key decision led to a 30-year career in the Air Force that left a lasting impact on his fellow airmen.
Jeff was deployed to Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan and Qatar, as well as assignments in Germany, Korea, Japan, Canada, Italy, and various US bases. Through his hard work, determination, resiliency, and attitude Jeff was able to rise to the rank of Chief Master Sergeant. This is the highest rank an enlisted soldier can reach and is obtained by less than 1% of enlisted personnel. He served in this role for the 31st Fighter Wing at Aviano Air Base in Italy and with the 4th Fighter Wing at Seymour Air Base in North Carolina.
While serving as Chief Master Sergeant at Seymour Air Base he was instrumental in introducing programs that supported over 3,900 enlisted airmen at the base. This included mentoring programs, financial literacy programs, career advising programs, and programs that were designed to better support airmen and their families.
Jeff received numerous medals and awards as part of his service to the Air Force including the Meritorious Service Medal with five Oak Leaf Clusters, Air Force Achievement Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, and being recognized multiple times as the Noncommissioned Officer of the Year during different assignments.
Inducted in 2016