The District's staff has been working hard all summer to plan for the students return to learning in August, 2020.  The plan was based on guidance provided by the State of Ohio, The American Academy of Pediatrics, The Centers for Disease Control, the Clermont County Board of Health. and parent survey data.

If you have questions about a specific school's plan please contact the appropriate building principal.

Wayne Johnson, Preschool Director, johnson_w@cneschools.rog, 513-625-1211 x512

Tonya Schmidt, Elementary Principal,, 513-625-1211 x412

Laura Nazzarine, Middle School Principal,, 513-625-1211 x212

TJ Glassmeyer, High School Principal,, 513-625-1211 x112

Michael Brandt, Superintendent,, 513-625-1211 x312

Return to Learning Plans (PDF)