Dear Families,
On Thursday, February 25th the staff of Clermont Northeastern Local Schools will have the opportunity to receive the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. In order to facilitate our staff being administered the vaccine, February 25th will be designated as a remote learning day. Students should stay home and complete their designated assignments. The assignments will be self-paced tasks that students need to complete. Students will not be required to log-in to Google Meets at specific times, students just need to complete the required assignments. Each building principal will communicate more information next week.
Additionally, we will designate remote learning days on March 18th and 19th in order to receive the 2nd dose of the vaccine. Students should stay home and complete their designated assignments. The assignments will be self-paced tasks that students need to complete. Students will not be required to log-in to Google Meets at specific times, students just need to complete the required assignments. Please contact your building principal with any questions or concerns.