information for 7 and 12th grade

Important Information  for Students Entering 7th and 12th Grades for the 2021-2022 School Year.

Just a reminder that all incoming 7th and 12th graders have vaccination requirements for school attendance for the 2021-2022 school year. These are Ohio Department of Health requirements and all immunization records are due into the office by August 17, 2021.

7th grade students are required one dose of the meningitis vaccine and one dose of the Tdap vaccine.

12th grade students are required to have one or two doses of the meningitis vaccine.  (If the first dose was given on or after the 16th birthday, the second dose is not required).

Please check with your child’s pediatrician to make sure all immunizations, including boosters, are up to date.  Please provide an updated immunization record to the school nurse/office as soon as possible.  Students, by law, may be excluded if they are not compliant or have not submitted an updated vaccination record which affects both academics and sports participation.

Our Mercy Health School Based Health Clinic is available for Back to School Immunizations. To schedule an appointment, please call (513) 981-4170.

For any additional questions and/or concerns. Please contact Lori Diekmann

 (513) 625-1211 ext. 326 or email me at 

Thanks for your help with this requirement.