“The harder you work for something, the greater you’ll feel when you achieve it.”
This quote was one of several that kicked off the December Building Leadership Team meeting at the Middle School this week, as the team came together to ensure all students are receiving the support required to ensure students are “catching up” following the COVID year, and growing to their potential. Throughout this year, the team has come together regularly, spending much time and effort to identify strategies for equipping all students with the tools they need to succeed.
The team went through every English Language Arts and Math class at the MS, identifying where students currently are in these crucial subjects. They discussed who needs more support, of what type, and if instructional strategies are appropriate for where students are. They discussed how to set individual student goals, taking into account a student’s grade level, past performance, and current achievement. The goal is for teachers to be able to support each student’s individual needs and meet them where they are.
The Middle School is very pleased with the results and excited about these upcoming plans and strategies to help our students reach their maximum potential.