Congratulations to the High School Cheer Squad, which placed first in their division at the Pop Tops for Charity Cheer Competition! This is the first competition the squad has participated in since the pandemic started back in 2020, and they are definitely happy to be back in competitive mode.
The Pop Tops for Charity Cheer Competition is hosted through the Cheer Max Organization and hosts over 100 All Star, Recreational, and School cheerleading teams from multiple states to benefit their cause. The charity cheer competition collects pop tabs from cans and donates them to Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio, which helps care for families while their children receive much-needed medical treatment.
Our High School Cheer Squad is composed of cheerleaders who have never cheered before and cheerleaders who have been involved with cheering through all of their school years. The squad worked hard to put together their routine in a very short amount of time – about one month – while many other squads had several months to coordinate and perfect their routines.
“We are incredibly proud of the hard work they always put in,” says Coach Terri Hoerth. “This group of girls brings a natural excitement for the sport.”
The squad hopes to continue to compete at Great Wolf Lodge on February 5 and 6, and potentially at another competition in March.
“We are proud of the way this squad represents our school,” adds Athletic Director David Colwell. “We are excited to see them continue to grow and be positive influences on campus.”
Congratulations to our Cheer Squad – we can’t wait to see what else you do this season!