The CNE school district believes one of the most important parts of our students’ lives is you, their families! At CNE Middle School, you’ve probably noticed us throw around the term “Family Engagement” a lot, from our Family Engagement tips to our events. This is our way of ensuring our students’ families are engaged in their education; we know it can be overwhelming looking at not only your own daily schedules and dealings, but when you add on attempting to be engaged in your students’ education? It can be daunting; which is why we offer these Family Engagement tips and events.
Throughout this year, we have implemented some events to increase Family Engagement at the Middle School, such as:
Open House Night – families visited classrooms, strolled booths with information about our district and middle school system, and attended an assembly where parents and students met administrators, counselors, and grade-level teams.
Conferences and Parent Homework Activity – we believe in allowing our students the opportunity to lead their own parent conferences. Following fall conferences, we offered homework activities for students and parents.
The next event being planned is focused on the idea of careers and different pathways. The event will include an assembly and an interactive session afterwards; it will also feature guest speakers from the community who will speak about their careers and how CNE helped them find success in life. This event will be hosted closer to May.
Attached is more information about the Middle School Career Day, as well as this week’s Family Engagement Tip.