smile programs

The Smile American Mobile Dentist will be in our school on May 5th and May 6th.
This service is available for all students K-12th grade.
Information sheets and consent forms are being sent home this week (March 14-March 18).
To be seen, please complete the consent form and return it with your student.
Forms are also available in each building office.
Parents can also sign-up online as well by going to:

Every student seen will get a dental report card and free toothbrush to take home.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Lori Diekmann MSN, RN, LSN
Clermont Northeastern Schools
District Nurse
2792 U.S. 50
Batavia, Ohio 45103
Phone- (513) 625-1211 ext. 326
Fax- (513) 625-6080