In 2015, Clermont Northeastern Schools released a strategic plan that has guided the work of our administration, teachers, and staff throughout the last seven years. When the plan was first released, CNE committed itself to providing a better school experience for students, families, community members, and staff – everyone who comes together on a regular basis to create this educational environment. We have already made tremendous progress and improved the learning outcomes for all students by using this strategic plan as a guide. However, strategic plans must evolve with that progress, which is why CNE is including a strategic plan update, Destination 2024.
Over the past seven years, we have sought to build the capacity of our staff through evidence-based professional development, providing opportunities to our staff that are unrivaled and unmatched in our area. Additionally, our decision-making process is now driven by data, which guides decisions related to staffing, instruction, assessment, climate, culture, resources, and finances.
As we embark on a journey that will lead us into 2024 and beyond, we will remain committed to providing high quality opportunities for all, as well as a rigorous and challenging education for our students. Our staff will continue to focus on developing lifelong learners while improving the learning experience for our students. In addition, we are utilizing over $2.5 million in grants received since 2018, which has increased opportunities for our students and truly turned the district into a model that other districts aim to emulate.
The momentum we continue to build is due in large part to the amazing families that reside in our community. We are dedicated to engaging our families in our improvement plans and have partnered with John Hopkins University, Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center, and State Support Team 13 to help us accomplish this at a high level. Our work will focus on providing greater levels of support to families as they navigate through major transitions with their children; we will focus on the transition from home to kindergarten, elementary to middle school, middle to high school, and beyond high school.
This strategic plan update, Destination 2024, will outline our goals for the upcoming years. These plans will allow us to focus our time, energy, and resources to strengthen our school community and truly make Clermont Northeastern a district that supports all families. The word “Destination” describes many things in the strategic plan, including goals such as developing lifelong learners ready to take on the challenges of enlistment, enrollment, or employment. It also describes the type of district we want to be: we want our staff, students, and families to choose to work, learn, and live here because of the opportunities that are available at Clermont Northeastern.